【期刊论文】 2024: [1]Crystal T. Lee , Yung-Cheng Shen , Zimo Li and Honghao Hsieh (2024). Affordances of customer loyalty on Nonfungible Token (NFT) Platforms: A buyer-seller perspective, Computers in Human Behavior, 151(1),108013. 【中科院一区TOP 期刊,SSCI 一区,影响因子9.9】 [2]Yung-Cheng Shen, Crystal T. Lee, Wen-Ya Lin. (2024). Meme Marketing on Social Media: The Role of Informational Cues of Brand Memes in Shaping Consumers’ Brand Relationship, Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/JRIM-01-2023-0029/full/html.【SSCI 一区,影响因子10.176;通讯作者】 2023: [3]Crystal T. Lee, Tzu-Ya Ho, and Honghao Hsieh. (2023). Building brand engagement in metaverse commerce: The role of branded non-fungible tokens (BNFTs), Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 58, 101248. 【SSCI一区, 影响因子5.622) [4]Crystal T. Lee and Ling-Yen Pan. (2023). Resistance of facial recognition payment service: A mixed method approach, Journal of Services Marketing, 37(3), 392-407. 【SSCI二区, 影响因子5.246】 [5]Crystal T. Lee and Ling-Yen Pan. (2023). Smile to pay: Predicting continuous usage intention toward contactless payment services in the post COVID-19 era, International Journal of Bank Marketing, 41(2), 312-332.【SSCI二区, 影响因子5.083】 [6]Sara H. Hsieh., Timmy H. Tseng, and Crystal T. Lee. (2023). Feeling psychologically close: Examining the determinants of branded app engagement, corresponding author, submitted to Journal of Product and Brand Management 32(4), 566-581.【SSCI二区, 影响因子4.335; 通讯作者】 2022: [7]Crystal T. Lee , Ling-Yen Pan, and Sara H. Hsieh. (2022). Artificial intelligent chatbots as brand promoters: A two-stage structural equation modeling- artificial neural network approach, Internet Research, 32(4), 1329-1356. 【SSCI一区,影响因子6.353】 [8]Crystal T. Lee and Sara H. Hsieh.(2022). Can social media-based brand communities build brand relationships? Examining the effect of community engagement on brand love, Behaviour & Information Technology, 41 (6), 1270-1285.【SSCI二区, 影响因子3.320】 [9]Timmy H. Tseng., Sara H. Hsieh. and Crystal T. Lee (2022). Capturing behavioural ommutcomes through branded applications: The perspective of the investment model, Internet Research, 32(5), 1532-1561.【SSCI一区,影响因子6.353; 通讯作者】 [10]Sara H. Hsieh. and Crystal T. Lee (2022).Values that drive desire: Examining determinants of mobile promotion satisfaction, International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, Vol. 50 No. 12, pp. 1458-1474. 【SSCI二区,影响因子4.743; 通讯作者】 [11]Sara H. Hsieh. and Crystal T. Lee, Timmy H. Tseng.(2022). Psychological empowerment and user satisfaction: Investigating the influences of online brand community participation, Information & Management, 59 (1), 103570 【SSCI一区,影响因子10.328】 [12]Timmy H. Tseng., Crystal T. Lee, Huang, H.-T. and Yang, W.H. (2022). Success factors driving consumer reuse intention of mobile shopping application channel, International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 50(1), 76-99.【SSCI 二区,影响因子4.743】 2021:
[13]Sara H. Hsieh.and Crystal T. Lee (2021).Hey Alexa: Examining the effect of perceived socialness in continuance usage intentions of AI assistant-enabled smart speaker, Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 15 (2), 267-294【SSCI 一区,影响因子10.176;通讯作者】 [14]Yung-Cheng Shen, Crystal T. Lee, Ling-Yen Pan, Chung-Yuan Lee (2021).Why people spread rumors on social media: Developing and validating a multi-attribute model of online rumor dissemination, Online Information Review, 45 (7), 1227-1246.【SSCI 二区,影响因子2.90;通讯作者】 [15]Timmy H. Tseng, Sara H. Hsieh. and Crystal T. Lee (2021). How gamified branded applications drive marketing effectiveness? Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 39 (5), 633-648. 【SSCI三区; 影响因子4.338;通讯作者】 [16]Sara H. Hsieh. Crystal T. Lee, and Timmy H. Tseng.(2021). Branded app atmospherics: Examining the effect of pleasure-arousal-dominance in brand relationship building. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 60, 102482 【SSCI一区; 影响因子10.972】 2015-2020:
[17]Sara H. Hsieh. and Crystal T. Lee.(2020). Traces of mobility: Examining location disclosure on social networks with mobile location tagging. Telematics and Informatics, 49, 103166 【SSCI一区; 影响因子6.182;通訊作者】 [18]Crystal T. Lee and Sara H. Hsieh. (2019).Engaging consumers in mobile instant messaging: The role of cute branded emoticons, Journal of Product and Brand Management, 28(7), 849-863. 【SSCI二区; 影响因子4.355;第一作者】 [19]Timmy H. Tseng and Crystal T. Lee.(2018). Facilitation of consumer loyalty toward branded applications: The dual-route perspective, Telematics and Informatics, 35(5), 1297-1309. 【SSCI一区;影响因子6.182;通訊作者】 [20]Yen-Chun Chen, Yung-Cheng Shen, Crystal T. Lee, Fu-Kai Yu.(2017). Measuring quality variations in e-service, Journal of Service Theory and Practice, 27(2), 427-452 (SSCI, JCR Q2, IF=6.182)【SSCI二区; 影响因子6.182】 [21]Liao, S., Crystal T. Lee, Lin, T. H., & Lin, M. C. (2015).eWOM richness of leisure farm tour experience: Influences of message valence, product type and consumer knowledge. Journal of Marketing Management, 3(2), 55-68. 【SSCI二区; 影响因子3.048】
【近3年发表会议论文】 [1]Crystal T. Lee, Ling-Yen Pan, Zimo Li (2023).Will AI replace humans: conceptualizing technological affordances of virtual avatar livestreamers in livestream e-commerce in the 2023 American Marketing Association Winter Educator’s Conference (AMA), 4 - 6 Aug, San Francisco, California 【AMA美国市场营销协会会议】 [2]Crystal T. Lee, Tzuya Ho, Zimo Li, and Zihao Yang. (2023). Marketing through non-fungible tokens (NFTs): How luxury brands engage consumers through NFTs in the metaverse in the 2023 American Marketing Association Winter Educator’s Conference (AMA), Feb 10 - 12, Nashville, TN. 【AMA美国市场营销协会会议】 [3]Tzuya Ho, Crystal T. Lee, Pao-Hui Lin, and Yuhui Huang. (2023). Examining the impact of digital health platforms on hospital brand favorability relationships in the 2023 American Marketing Association Winter Educator’s Conference (AMA), Feb 10 - 12, Nashville, TN. 【AMA美国市场营销协会会议】 [4]Tzuya Ho, Crystal T. Lee, Pao-Hui Lin, and Zihao Yang.(2023). Immersion turns into a nightmare: The uncanny valley effect of consumer psychology in metaverse in the 2023 American Marketing Association Winter Educator’s (AMA), Feb 10 - 12, Nashville, TN.【AMA美国市场营销协会会议】 [5]Sara H. Hsieh. Crystal T. Lee.(2023). Examining the Drivers of Perceived Personality in AI Assistant Usage Adoption in the 2023 American Marketing Association Winter Educator’s Conference (AMA), Feb 10 - 12, Nashville, TN. 【AMA美国市场营销协会会议】 [6]Timmy H. Tseng, Crystal T. Lee, Sara H. Hsieh., WX Wu. (2022). Why consumers stay connected with branded applications: The embeddedness perspective in the 20th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), July 5 - 9, Taiwan.【太平洋亚洲信息系统会议】 [7]Sara H. Hsieh. Crystal T. Lee and Timmy H. Tseng.(2021). Examining the effect of psychological distance on branded app consumer brand engagement in The European Marketing Academy(EMAC), May 25-28, Virtual.【EMAC欧洲营销学院会议】
【科研项目】 [1]主持:教育部人文社科基金, 青年项目,智能语音助手对顾客行为的影响机制研究:多模态人机交互视角,2022-07至2024-07,在研 [2]主持:广东省自然科学基金,面上项目,人工智能物联网产品对消费者行为的影响研究-人机智能交互视角,2021-01至2023-12,在研 [3]主持:yl34511线路中心科研启动经费项目,智能音箱提升营销效能的机理与实现路径研究-品牌体验和服务生态系统视角2020-07至2023-07,在研 [4]主持:教育部人文社科基金,青年项目,在线品牌社区品牌推崇行为的形成机制研究,2017-07至2020-07,已结题 [5]参与:广东省自然科学基金,面上项目,服务业情境下顾客授权行为的成因与后果:基于赋能与负担的双机制研究,2023-01至2025-12,在研 [6]参与:广东省普通高校重点领域专项(数字经济),大数据驱动的医养结合健康服务模式与内容研究,2022-01至2024-02,在研
【人才计划】 [1]粤东粤西粤北博士人才项目 (2020) [2]汕头市高层次人才 ( 2020) [3]yl34511线路中心卓越人才计划-青年优秀人才 (2020)
【访学与培训】 [1]Google数字营销资格认证, 欧洲互动广告局/Google [2]学术研究伦理教育认证, 台湾学术伦理教育资源中心 [3]TEFL (Teaching English as Foreign Language) 国际英语教师资格证 加拿大温哥华 |